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Reporting a Medication Error

Do Not Take Medicine in the Dark!

48689e827932dc70ec0a6e6067e8a72b MA man was awakened by a toothache in the middle of the night. Without turning on the lights, he pulled out and applied what he thought was a spray of pain reliever for his toothache. Afterwards, he did not rinse his mouth. In the daylight of the morning, he realized he had actually used Lamisil AT Pump Spray in his mouth.

Lamisil AT (terbinafine hydrochloride 1%) is used for fungal infections on the skin such as athlete's foot and ringworm. It should never be placed in the mouth or swallowed. The medicine can be absorbed by the body through the gums. It also has a high alcohol content (28.7%). The man called Poison Control (1-800-222-1222), which advised him to see his doctor immediately. He did, and he was not harmed. However, this story should serve as a reminder to avoid taking medicine in the dark!

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