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Top 10 Ways to Prevent Drug Name Mix-Ups

With so many different names for medicines, it is possible for a mix-up to occur. This can happen because many drug names share similar letters. When spoken or written, these names can sound and/or look very similar to one another. We refer to these drugs as sound-alike and/or look-alike medicines.

Here are the top ten ways you can prevent getting the wrong medicine because of a look-alike or sound-alike error:

  1. Know why you are taking the medicine. Ask your doctor what the name of the medicine is that they are prescribing. Remember, most medicines have both a generic and brand name - make sure you know both names.
  2. Ask your doctor to put the reason you need to take the medicine on the prescription itself. A pharmacist is less likely to misinterpret the medicine name when they know why the medicine is being prescribed. If it is not listed on the prescription, make sure the pharmacist knows the reason you are taking a medicine.
  3. Ask for a copy of the prescription. If your prescription is sent electronically to the pharmacy, ask your doctor for a printed copy to take to the pharmacy. When you pick up your prescription, compare the printed copy of the prescription with the medicine the pharmacist gave you.
  4. Always ask to speak to the pharmacist when picking up a prescription. The pharmacist will go over how to take the medicine. This will give you the chance to ask questions about the medicine.
  5. Open the bag and read the container label. Before leaving the pharmacy counter, open the bag and read the container label to confirm the medicine is for you and that it is the right medicine. This is the number one thing you can do to prevent errors.
  6. Read the drug information leaflet that comes with the medicine. This may raise important questions you may have about the medicine.
  7. Open the bag when picking up refills. With refills, it is important to also open the medicine container before leaving the pharmacy to confirm you were given the correct medicine. Ask your pharmacist about the medicine especially if it looks different or if the name sounds different than expected.
  8. Ask for descriptions to be put on the label. Use a pharmacy that puts a description of what the medicine looks like on the pharmacy label.
  9. When possible, use only one pharmacy. Make sure the pharmacy has a list of all the medicines you are taking. If you must use another pharmacy, make sure that pharmacy also has an updated list of the medicines you are taking so they can check for drug interactions. Make sure the pharmacist also knows about any herbal, supplements, or over-the-counter (OTC) medicines you take.
  10. View other resources. Check out the list of look-alike drug names on the ISMP website.

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